Monday, March 23, 2009

Thing 7

I searched the RESA23 photos and was pleasantly suprised at the variety of topics and interests. I happen to love butterflies so I created a set with pictures I already had on my computer and some new ones from Flickr. I immediately thought about the challenges our students face with writing -what a great way to encourage journaling around topics of choice or an assigned topic. Of course copyright issues, appropriate content issues, as well as filter/firewall blocks abound but you have to start somewhere. Even if you download the photos to your computer or flashdrive and have students work from there. Where there is a will there is a way! As always - Thanks for listening. Leslie

1 comment:

  1. Interpreting and analyzing pictures is a good way to increase the students' writing skills and begin art appreciation. I believe teachers should do more of this type of instruction.


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