Monday, March 30, 2009

Thing 17

Questions I asked while exploring the various tools included: Do I need a tool like this? Do I currently have a tool that does something similiar? Is this version better than what I currently use? Should I consider switching or use both? For four of the tools listed I do already have a tool and from what I can see I'll stick with what I have. Inspiration and Kidspiration software work fine for generation of concept maps, org charts etc. I'm pretty stuck on PowerPoint but would certainly consider uploading and sharing a presentation online. Milk and 30 boxes might have more appeal if we didn't use Groupwise - I'll remember them if I'm ever not in the Groupwise environment anymore. As for LibraryThing and Trailfire I don't have a current tool and I'm not sure I have a current need.
Of all the tools explored Knowtes has the most potential for both personal and professional use for me. Excellent for vocabulary development, helping cement in memory the steps of a process, memorization of Scripture, review points for a test etc. You might be suprised at how many K-5 teachers still give out spelling words in isolated lists - I imagine that even the most stalwart of teachers would consider producing flashcards with words and definitions or sentences. I even know a teacher or two I'm going to try it on. I'll let you know if it works :). As always, thanks for listening. Leslie

1 comment:

  1. Will you share your password so that I can complete this thing and of all the ones listed, this was the one I thought had the most value too.


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