Come and go with me! A blog exploring the connections between technology, quality instruction and local school administrative practice. Increasing student achievement is job #1.
Wow--indeed this is tough talk and also gives you much to think about. I am going to share this with my principal and have a discussion about it. His no-nonsense approach is expected with military training but questions come to mind? Can this attitude be used in the educational system since our product is young minds? I know there are staff that could use this approach from their leader but I believe they would try to sink the ship or commit mutiny!
Geriatrics and Anger Management
I am presently dealing with the care of my 97 year old father. I recently
placed him in a skilled nursing facility and he is extremely upset wit...
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Wow--indeed this is tough talk and also gives you much to think about. I am going to share this with my principal and have a discussion about it. His no-nonsense approach is expected with military training but questions come to mind? Can this attitude be used in the educational system since our product is young minds? I know there are staff that could use this approach from their leader but I believe they would try to sink the ship or commit mutiny!