Recently our Wayne RESA Superintendent Chris Wigent attended President Obama's speech at Macomb Community College. He shared some thoughts with us and I would like to share them with you.
Hi everyone,
Earlier today, I had the honor and privilege to represent Wayne RESA and attend President Obama's speech at Macomb Community College. I was humbled by this opportunity and listened intently as the President made his remarks. The purpose of his visit was to announce a significant financial investment in those community colleges that will focus on teaching the skills that are necessary for the jobs of the future. I will let the political pundits and the media debate the pros and cons of this concept, but it is clear that many in high places believe that increasing the quality of education, pre K-12 through post secondary is one of the keys to getting us out of our current financial problems.
As I sat in the audience waiting for the President to arrive, I thought a lot of Wayne RESA, our mission and quite frankly, the awesome responsibility that we have to provide quality and relevant services and leadership to those whom we serve. Our importance in the big picture of education is only increasing and that should be very exciting for us all. I look forward to going through these exciting times with all of you, and together, ensuring that we are part of the educational solution. Make no mistake, this will not be easy work and it will require that we change some of our past practices, but nonetheless, we can and will do this work together.
It was quite a day and I want to thank all of you for your continued commitment to your work and to our organization. I am very thankful for the opportunity to serve as your Superintendent and for the opportunity to truly make a difference.
Keep up the great work. Chris
Chris Wigent , Superintendent
Wayne RESA
33500 Van Born Road
Wayne, MI 48184
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