I attended the memorial service for Beverly Butler, Principal of Brenda Scott Middle School in Detroit on Friday evening. It was held at the school and was a wonderfully moving event. As the accolades from staff, students, her neighbors and community were given I could not help but wonder if Beverly had ever heard these things while she was among us. Beverly was a "tough" administrator who was lauded on that day for high expectations and standards, her staff joined together and sang with one voice during the service. What a symbolic effort. Student messages and cards were posted all around on the walls expressing their love and appreciation for their principal. They knew she loved them. I think she would have been pleased with what was said and done. I am coming away more determined to give my flowers now. Flowers of appreciation for hard work done and efforts given in the way of encouraging words, a listening ear and expressions of a grateful heart. After all isn't that the core of an educator - one with a heart for learners of all ages and stages. As always, thanks for listening. Leslie.
And by the way, if you are reading this thanks for being one who tries to stay "on top of things", be well informed and a perpetual learner yourself! Keep up the good work.
You're welcome!