I ran into a student of mine from the first school where I was principal, Yost Academy. She attends a Historically Black College studying chemistry. She will spend her upcoming Jr. year in Australia. Her long range career goal is to become an orthodontist. I remember Ashley well, bright eyes, big smile, loved school, happy with life and herself. That doesn't seem to have changed much. Maybe I'm thinking selfishly but it pleases me to no end to think that I had some small part in the development of this wonderful young person. (She remembered both my last and first name - most students I run into remember "Ms. Holland" so I must have made some kind of impression on her :). It makes all those long, hard days and unrecognized sacrifices worthwhile.
For all of you out there who are positively impacting children in one way or another, be encouraged. The work is hard, but it's good work. The results last long beyond this year's test scores or even next week's check. Hang in there. As always, thanks for listening, Leslie