Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thing 3

I really like reading and exploring BLOG’s. I had already ventured out with the Next BLOG link at the top of each new BLOG that popped up. The number of different languages, topics, formats, differing levels of writing ability, and tech savvy intrigued me. I picked up a few tips I want to include on my BLOG.
As for the Thing 3 listing of BLOGs a few thoughts: Logan Courier - Boy we’ve come a long way since yearbook and newspaper club – like the new style – very adult yet very hip.
Really like Mrs Mercer’s BLOG – guess everybody must have access at home
Multiple special needs BLOG - It’s still about relationships –– even cyber ones -she was gone for a few days – folks missed her, wanted to know if she was OK.
Hobo teacher - Hmm – comical???? Not my choice of words.
Someone said – I think it was Kelly “This if fun.” I agree.

1 comment:

  1. When I first read Hobo Teacher, there were some funny rants. Now though, there is an uncomfortable edge. Is it a change in the teacher, or perhaps I've read enough to wonder if the rants are the transformation of a teacher to a cynic, rather than reflections of one who tries not to take stresses too seriously. It's like watching a car crash happen.


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